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Posh Virtual Learning 1

  • 9 Steps


WHO IS READY!!!!!!????? I AM RELEASING MY VERY 1ST VIRTUAL CLASS!!!!! CLASSES ARE PRE- RECORDED MEANING YOU CAN WATCH FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER!! By purchasing this class you will have access to all my virtual content that I will be uploading. NO SECRETS LEFT BEHIND! You will be able to interact with me and your fellow friends who have also joined my virtual learning. I will help you grow to be the next POSH BRAIDER. It takes time and patience is definitely needed. I didn't become the POSH braider over night. You will have access to POSH VIRTUAL LEARNING FOR 6 MONTHS! NOT ALL OF MY COURSES WILL BE DONE ON A MANNEQUIN HEAD,SOME WILL BE DONE ON LIVE MODELS. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. Please purchase!!! ONCE PAYMENT IS SENT THE PURCHASE IS FINALIZED. PAYMENTS ARE NON REFUNDABLE.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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